Sunday, February 16, 2003

I'm looking up Almodóvar to see what he said at the big demo yesterday in Madrid. Haven't found it yet but I did stumble onto a Spanish message board where the question is, "Did the Spanish Academy err when they selected Mondays in the Sun to be the Spanish representative at this year's Oscars rather than Almodóvar's Talk to Her?" Mondays in the Sun is a Spanish lefty social commentary flick done by the usual government-subsidized jokers, including at least a couple of the Bardems, who are ultra-Communists. One of them just died and the was buried with a Communist party flag on his coffin. Anyway, you would think that this would be a nice, innocuous subject, a debate about which of two movies is better. Some of the opinions in the chat room are quite reasonable. However, here are some of the others:

15 - Ojalá se estrellaran 2 aviones en la gala de Hollywood y se fueran todos esos cabrones al carajo.
I hope two airplanes crash into the Hollywood gala and send all those bastards to hell.

22 - HAGAMOS LA GUERRA PERO EN EEUU y a ver si de una vez por toda se va ese puto pais al carajo.
Let's go to war but in the US and see if once and for all that fucking country goes to hell.

28 - Los Lunes al sol es un cine tan político como el pianista guns of new york o cualquiera de los bodrios ultraderechistas que nos endiñan al menor descuido. ¿Que no la han elegido? pues bueno, pues vale, pues bien. Es muy duro admitir que te escupan en la cara...¡Ah! se me olvidaba: ¡NO A LA GUERRA!
Mondays in the Sun is just as political a cinema as The Pianist, Guns (sic) of New York, or any of the ultra-right-wing garbage they palm off on us unless we watch out. They didn't choose it? Fine, who cares. It's very hard to admit it when they spit in your face...Oh, I forgot, no to the war!

35 - Mejor, este es un concurso Infecto, la pelicula es extraordinaria, al igual que la interpretación de Javier Bardem, pero los capitoste del decrepito cine de holibu, actuan al dictado de Bush. han castigado tanto a Fernando Leon,como a Javier Bardem por decir NO A LA GUERRA. Es una verguenza.
Fine, this is a phony competetion, the movie is extraordinary and so is Javier Bardem's performance, but the bosses of the decrepit Hollywood cinema, act at Bush's orders. They've punished both Fernando León and Javier Bardem for saying no to the war. It's pathetic.

36 - No jodais, que le den a los Americanos que no tienen ni idea de cine de verdad...Y por supuesto que la Academia española no se ha equivocado al elegir la película, son los americanos los que se han equivocado!.
No shit, fuck the Americans, who have no idea of real cinema...and of course the Spanish Academy didn't make a mistake choosing the film, it's the Americans who are wrong!

43 - Lo que está claro es que la imagen de Bardem proclamando a los cuatro vientos "NO A LA GUERRA" ha debido de incomodar a la academia norteamericana...
What's obvious is that the image of Bardem proclaiming no to the war must have made the American Academy uncomfortable.

Just thought you folks might find these comments enlightening. I didn't leave a message on the message board. You might want to, I don't know. Here's the link.

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